Sunday, December 25, 2011

More Than a Handful - Identifying ADHD Symptoms in Your Baby

!±8± More Than a Handful - Identifying ADHD Symptoms in Your Baby

Children would always behave like---well, children. Hence, instances whereby parents like you find yourselves struggling to cope with your child's innate rambunctiousness and inattention are nothing short of ordinary, explaining why such scenes have been woven into the daily tapestry comprising common family life.

Especially during the stages of infancy up to childhood, as a parent you are expected to be at your most patient, most tolerant, and most understanding self. What with an innocent baby waking the entire neighborhood in the middle of the night or tearing the house down as he begins to explore his new world, you are given no choice but to obtain the necessary strength and tolerance from your unconditional love for your baby. Despite the inevitable annoyance and chagrin brought about by episodes of hyperactivity and public tantrums, you could surely depend on your unfaltering attentiveness to your child's welfare to help tide you over until your child matures and outgrows such tendencies.

Facing the Probable Tendencies
However, during those times when your baby exhibits behavior beyond innocent rowdiness, losing your patience or becoming agitated is a typical response. Setting aside your learned personal expectation of how your child should behave, you must open your eyes and become observant of any excessive behavior he may be exhibiting. Although a tendency to be active and uncontrollable are typical among infants and toddlers, there are certain aspects whereby such behaviors are already considered too much, oftentimes leaving parents exhausted, lost, and powerless in the quandary.

And such behaviors could already be hinting at a possible emergence of ADHD in your child. As difficult as it is to accept, it is a must for parents such as you to be very observant of your child's behavior. Attention Deficiency Hyperactivity Disorder, more popularly known as ADHD, is a recognized psychological disorder commonly associated with children, which usually begins during the early years of their childhood and often continuing into adulthood. Being a medical condition, ADHD directly affects the ability of a person to stay focused on particular activities for any length of time.

Determining the Signs
As differentiated from other people, aspects of an ADHD individual's brain, especially those concerned with attention and the manner in which it can be controlled given certain activities, function in a unique way. Consequently, this would be reflected in his seemingly rambunctious behavior characterized by an incapacity to hold concentration for prolonged periods. If it is not addressed, ADHD can adversely affect great areas of a person's life, impacting psychological, emotional, and social aspects.
In order to help you assess your child's behavior, whether they are bordering on ADHD tendencies or not, here are typical traits identified among infants and toddlers that could be indicative of ADHD.

Children with ADHD experience trouble sleeping. As such, they are likely to have trouble dozing off and staying asleep. As is often the case, they always awaken in a bad mood.
Infants tend to have colic and are either hard to nurse or is having trouble accepting infant formulas.

Babies are easily vexed and cry excessively.
Infants can manifest health troubles such as asthma, allergies, colds, or having ear fluids.
Babies tend to exhibit unusual infant behavior like frequently thumping his foot/feet, too much rocking, or even banging his head against his crib.

As toddlers, they are hyperactive, always up and about.
Toddlers are nonconformists and can be a real handful.
They are susceptible to reckless behaviors and are accident-prone because of their clumsiness borne of their hyperactive nature.
Toddlers fight physically by biting, pushing, or pinching when controlled or apprehended by caregivers or parents.
They are always breaking things either accidentally(due to recklessness and curiosity) or deliberately(due to hyperactivity level).
Toddlers have a hard time playing by themselves and may always insist to have their parents'/caregivers' attention.

More Than a Handful - Identifying ADHD Symptoms in Your Baby

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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

7 Fun Ways to Tell Your Husband You're Pregnant

!±8± 7 Fun Ways to Tell Your Husband You're Pregnant

"I'm pregnant! I'm pregnant!" These words are likely dancing through your head, but before you blurt them to your husband the first chance you get, consider your timing and delivery. You don't really want to break such amazing news over the phone, do you? You can't even see his reaction. And the moment he walks in the door from work or golf may not be ideal, either. What if he lost the big deal or the game and is in a nasty mood?

By now you might be thinking, "Okay, then I'll tell him over a nice meal. Fresh flowers, flickering candles, soft music, the works." Nice as this sounds, it is rather typical, don't you think? Why not liven things up and really surprise your husband?

It's understandable if you're bursting at the seams, but take a deep breath and contain your secret for just a little longer. The happy moment of news-telling doesn't come along often, so why not anticipate and savor it to the fullest? If you're looking for a creative new way to beat the simple "I'm pregnant!" announcement, and feel that this occasion calls for something extra-special and carefully planned, read on and choose from the following seven creative suggestions, or use them as a spring-board for forming your own unique ideas.

1. Take your husband out

If your husband's the one who usually takes you out, now's your turn. "I'm taking you somewhere special, but I want it to be a complete surprise, so . . ." pull out a blindfold and hope he plays along. While you drive, urge him to guess your destination. Finally, park at a baby store or a playground. Remove the blindfold and enjoy the befuddled look on your husband's face. If he doesn't figure things out on his own, say something like, "I thought we should take a look in the store and see what we like, because we're going to need to things for our new baby!" Or, at the park, "We're going to be coming here quite a bit in about two years-because we're going to have a baby!" Then it's time to celebrate at a nice restaurant.

2. Give your husband a gift

As you present the gift, tell him you're giving it to him because you love him and you especially love the gift he gave you. He likely has not given you a gift lately, so he'll be confused as he tears into the paper. Once he unwraps an adorable baby item, such as a toy, outfit, or booties, truth may dawn. If not, it's time to fill him in!

3. Send him a card

This idea requires excruciating patience, so you may just want to hand him the card, although that takes away some of the mystery. For a return address, write something clever like "Special Delivery Street, Storkland, AM". On a cute baby or kid card write, "To my new daddy. I can't wait to meet you!" or something enlightening like that.

4. Bake a sweet treat

If you do want to share the news over a meal, get creative and decorate a baby-themed cake. Write a message on the top such as, "A New Little One is on the way!" Or, bake a batch of cupcakes. Instead of decorating them obviously, tell him there is a surprise inside his cupcake. "So eat it carefully." What he doesn't know is you've hidden a plastic baby shower favor (such as a small baby rattle) in it. (Poke it into the cupcake AFTER you've baked and cooled the cakes and before you frost them. Keep track of which cupcake holds the surprise.) Also, make sure the item is large enough so he'll find it without choking! If you're feeling really creative, bake a batch of homemade fortune cookies, inserting applicable messages such as "Soon to be a family of 3," "A special delivery on the way," etc.

5. Play a game

If your husband enjoys a good game, you could use this to your advantage, making up a riddle, crossword, or a puzzle in which the "solution" reveals the baby news. A great game to use for this is "Hang-Man." Agree that you will each write a message instead of the typical one word. Remember to each use an equal number of letters (which you will need to determine). Your message could be "We are expecting."

6. Honey-do list

Are you a wife who often hands your husband a to-do list? If so, surprise him with one that reads, "Bring up baby crib from basement" (if you already have one), "Celebrate," "Buy a car seat," etc. You get the idea.

7. Good night

This final suggestion is simple but effective and memorable. As you are about to go to sleep, tell your husband good night (here's hoping this is normal procedure anyway, and won't raise suspicion). When he responds in kind, tell him, "There's someone else you need to say good night to, as well." He'll be confused and say something like, "What are you talking about?" There's your opening. After telling him the news, don't expect to fall asleep anytime soon!

There you have it--seven fun ways to tell your husband you're pregnant. Whether you use one of these ideas or make up your own, keep in mind that privacy is still best when sharing such special, intimate news, so no matter how you tell your husband, don't include a third party unless you're absolutely positive he won't mind!

7 Fun Ways to Tell Your Husband You're Pregnant

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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Home (A Julena One Shot)

I looked on as I watched my wife and now three year old daughter through the computer screen. "Da-Da... Daddy!!", She struggled to say, as it was her first word. She looked straight into the webcam and pressed her small hand on the screen as I felt tears start to form. "Daddy's right here baby girl", I smiled as tears fell. I looked away from her and saw that Selena was smiling, I saw her lift a paper which said: "I luv and miss you :(". I looked down then back up, "I miss you too, both of you, I can't wait til' tour ends", I smiled. Only four more days until I saw their faces again. I had been on tour for about seven months now, and its been so long since I've seen them. "Justin, it's time for soundcheck", Scooter called out from outside. I sighed and looked back at Selena who was looking down, "It's okay babe, we'll be here when you get back", She weakly smiled. I nodded and sighed, "I'll be right there Scooter!". I heard his foot steps fade away and I formed my hands into a small fist, I kissed it and pretended that I had an arrow and 'shot' it towards her. She miled and 'caught' the kiss and placed it next to her heart. "I love you..", I said to both of them. "We love you too, now go on rockstar, you have fans out there", She smiled. I laughed and got up to leave. Selena's POV "Daddy?", Sophie asked while poking the screen. She looked up towards me, "Daddy!!", She yeled while puting and crossing her arms. "You want Daddy baby girl?". She nodded and I smiled and turned ...

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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

How Much Does Baby Food Cost?

!±8± How Much Does Baby Food Cost?

As much as you love babies and if you are planning to have one, you should know that expenses are not cheap these days. A baby also has needs that an adult does, and more! It is always best to be financially stabled when planning to start a family, because all you want to give your baby is the best that any parent can ever give to a child.

One of the most important necessities a baby needs is food for nourishment. Babies at an early age can really be a big eater. They can consume more that the usual because this is the stage where their growth is fast.

There are different types of formulas available. There is organic formula and soy formula. Of course you need to purchase the one your pediatrician recommended for your baby. However most of the time, you may have to try a number formula before getting to the right one for your baby. Generally, a formula costs about 12 cents per ounce and there are others that can cost even more than that. Normally, a baby drinks 30 ounces of formula a day so that makes it .60 each day. After two months, your baby will drink more at about 40 ounces per day that will cost .80 daily and that calculates to 6 per month. So if you compute it for the first 12 months, you will be spending about ,500 to ,000 on the formula alone. Formula bottles, nipples, liners and other necessities are not yet included in that amount.

When babies reach at their 4th months, they are now allowed to eat cereals. This means that there will be an additional to food expenses. Usually parents start buying cereals for the first few times their babies are going to ear solid foods. If you buy a 16 ounce box of infant cereals that can cost about . This box can last for a month, but eventually you will need to buy more as your baby grows fast. Pureed foods are also available, and a pack usually costs . If your baby reaches 6 months - 12 months, 2-4 packs are expected to be consumed per day and it will cost you about to monthly.

While there are ways to save, you're going to find that as your baby grows older, their diets are going to change. It's always best to talk with your Doctor to discuss all baby food options.

How Much Does Baby Food Cost?

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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Selecting a Mattress Pad for Your Baby's Crib

!±8± Selecting a Mattress Pad for Your Baby's Crib

Mattress pads are commonly used in cribs to protect the mattress from being damaged by liquids. The best mattress pads are highly absorbent and fit snugly against the mattress. By making sure that the mattress pad that you select for your baby's crib is both very absorbent and fits the mattress properly, you are ensuring that it will be able to keep both the mattress and the baby as dry and clean as possible.

When selecting a mattress pad, you also need to be certain that you choose one that is both washable and easily to remove. It is likely to need washing every single day, sometimes more than once a day. The fabric should be durable enough to withstand frequent washings. You may want to consider investing in more than one mattress pad to allow for those days when wetting problems are at their worst.

Making sure that the mattress pad you select fits the mattress in your baby's crib properly is very important for reasons other than keeping the mattress and the baby clean. A proper-fitting mattress pad is an important safety consideration. If the mattress pad in your baby's crib can shift easily from one place to another in the bed, it is a suffocation hazard.

Another important consideration when selecting a mattress pad is to find out if the one you are considering is designed to protect your baby from dust and other allergens that may build up on his or her mattress. Choose a mattress pad that is dust proof so that it will provide an additional benefit of protecting your baby from dust and other allergens. A dust proof mattress pad can play an important role in reducing common health related issues often triggered by allergens, such as asthma, bronchitis and sneezing.

Your mattress pad check list needs to include the following items: proper fit, washable, easily removable, and dust proof. There are many sources to find affordable mattress pads for your baby's crib that meet all of the above criteria. Many baby oriented retailers, mass merchandisers, linen stores and a wide variety of online retailers are likely to have exactly what you need to protect your baby and his or her crib mattress.

Selecting a Mattress Pad for Your Baby's Crib

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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Summer Infant Carter's Love Bug Soothe 'n Sleep Bassinet

!±8± Summer Infant Carter's Love Bug Soothe 'n Sleep Bassinet

Brand : Summer Infant | Rate : | Price : $164.89
Post Date : Dec 07, 2011 06:58:25 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

  • Bassinet with deluxe embroidered fabrics
  • Soothing vibrations, 3 music melodies, 2 nature sounds and womb sound
  • Large pivoting Storage baskets
  • Bassinet basket is removable for use in another room or use on the floor
  • Retractable canopy with soft toys

More Specification..!!

Summer Infant Carter's Love Bug Soothe 'n Sleep Bassinet

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Friday, December 2, 2011

Our Boys 1.7

we luv um, you luv um, only difference is that we are dating um starring: jennifer ashley sarah kevin joe nick Jonas home sarah- you heard from jennifer ashley- no joe- come on lets just relax and not worry about whats going on the east coast sarah- sorry joe but jen came to us for help when she found out and im not about to forget it nick- I just talked to jennifer ashley- and? Nick- things arent good sarah- we have to go home now kevin- I know you wanted to go home so I got you tickets and lets go sarah- thanks kevin ashley- our self kevin- packed ashley- you rock kev joe- your leaving ashley- yea im sorry joe- just call and text me ashley- I will jennifer's home sarah- wat happened jennifer- he took becca then went to his parents hamptons house ashley- hows becca jennifer- upstairs asleep sarah- wait wat jennifer- dianna and mike cant handle wat is going on so they gave her back to me ashley- now wats nick going to say jennifer- he knows sarah- and ashley- oh god jennifer- he is behind me no matter wat ashley- wat about your parents jennifer- my mom is out getting stuff like a crib and sheets and diapers and food sarah- we should help you with stuff ashley- wat about stroller and carseats jennifer- my mom is getting that I picked it out and she went to go pick it up sarah- wait wat ever happened to drew jennifer- he had his dads handgun ashley- oh gosh jen jennifer- even through we weren't together I still loved him sarah- you two had something ashley- yea and do you ...

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