Thursday, January 12, 2012

I Miss U Roc & Zendaya Luv Story CH. 58

Zendaya: Shit! -puts on her jacket and shoes and goes and picks Angel up out of her crib- Angel: -wakes up and starts whining- Mama! Mamaaaa! Zendaya: -sees that her pacifier fell, picks it up and puts it in Angel's mouth- Sshh baby cmon we gonna go see auntie Bree okay? Angel: -starts sucking her paci (short for pacifier thats wat my family calls it) and rubs her eyes- Zendaya: -puts Angel's shoes on grabs her phone and calls taxi service- Hello sir can I get a taxi at _____________________________________ ? ..........thank you sir! -hangs up and puts Angels coat on her- Angel: -going to town sucking on that pacifier (kinda like Maggie from the Simpsons lol)- Mmmmm! Zendaya: -grabs Angels diaper bag and picks Angel up and her phone and looks out the window- Taxi is here already?! -goes outside and gets in the taxi- At the Hostpital Zendaya: -walks in holding Angel- Angel: -sleep with the paci in her mouth- Roc: -gets up and walks over to them- Hey! Zendaya: Um hey? Where is everyone? Roc: -leads her to them- Zendaya: Heys guys what happened to Bree? Mariah: -tells her what happened- Zendaya: Ray Ray why would you do that? Princeton: Yea Ray why did you do that? Ray: -tells them why- Veronica: Ray Ray we understand you were mad but you did NOT have to throw her into the wall like that! Ray: -looks down- I know...... Angel: -wakes up and looks at everyone- Prodigy: Hey Angel! -smiles- Angel: -waves- Veronica: -giggles- Prodigy: -kisses Veronica- Veronica: -smiles- Angel ...

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